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Adam Muzzin
Ph.D. (University of Toronto)
Assistant Professor of Astronomy
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Research Field:
Astronomy and Astrophysics

Research specialization:
Galaxy Evolution, Galaxy Clusters, High-Redshift Galaxies, Survey Astronomy.

I am interested in understanding how galaxies form and evolve over cosmic time.  My work is primarily observational, using both large surveys as well as targeted followup observations at various wavelengths.  While I have worked on many types of galaxies at wide range of redshifts, my main focus tends to be on galaxies and galaxy clusters in the very distant universe (1 < z < 7).  Due to the finite travel time of light, observing such distant galaxies gives us an opportunity to study the earliest phases of galaxy formation when their assembly phase was most rapid.

Current problems I find interesting are: 1) Understanding when and how the first galaxies form and assemble, as well as why they so abruptly stop forming stars after their initial assembly phase.  2) How the large-scale environment of galaxies influences their subsequent evolution.

Most of my work has been done with optical and infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations; however, in recent years it has become increasingly multi-wavelength.  I am involved with a handful of large surveys on both 4m and 8m class telescopes such as SpARCS, UltraVISTA, GCLASS, GOGREEN, VEILS, and LEGA-C.  All of these projects are ongoing and are giving us interesting new results on the formation of galaxies in the distant universe.  In the longer term, my interests are moving towards working with upcoming space-based facilities such as the James Webb Space Telescope and Euclid.  These exciting new telescopes will allow us to understand distant galaxies with far superior data than ever before.

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